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Dogs in Sunflowers

Brindle Dog in the Vineyard ~ Seasons Change

It’s a toss up between winter and autumn.  I LOVE both! Each season has something to offer, and it’s especially why I love living in New England.  Fall brings beautiful golden foliage, while winter brings fluffy white SNOW!  I do wish the rest of the world loved bringing there dogs out for a photo session in bitter cold and 2 feet of white stuff – haha!  

This week’s Blog topic our our pet photography blog circle is “Seasons Change”.  September here in New England can be some a bit crazy with temperature changes.  This weekend is supposed to get up into  the 80’s!

While the calendar doesn’t say it’s autumn quite yet, we have had some amazing mornings! I thought I would share my recent photo session at Zorvino Vineyards bright and early on a Monday morning.  When I arrived at the Vineyard, my car read that the outside temperature was 48 degrees – woohoo I’m in heaven!  This is perfect!  I was meeting up with a Brindle dog, Reina, and her brother, Crixus, with mom and dad.  This session was the first of a recent “Brindle Dog Model Call” that I held.  I’m obsessed with the beauty of brindles and I needed more in my life, especially for some new products that I will be offering this autumn/winter.  There coats are stunning!  

When the family arrived I thought, “How ADORABLE are they?”  Think:  LL Bean/Eddie Bauer – the couple had plaid shirts on, jeans, and matching Carhartt toboggans.  This will be fun! 

Fall Family Photos with Pets

This is a favorite location of mine.  I wasn’t sure what the colors would be like, since it was the “in- between” seasons.  They do have a few sunflowers which make the perfect accent for a pop of yellow!  Sunflower season is a short one, so i was thrilled they were still in bloom!  And after sunflower season, autumn is here!  

Dogs in Sunflowers

There is a beautiful little water feature that has flowers with changing colors throughout the year.  Here we had a “summer” look. Reina is such a beautiful girl!!!

Brindle Dog Portrait

When your model happens to have a stunning brother, he will of course be included in many of the images!  Here he is showing the love of mom!  

People and Pet Portrait

All of this makes me so excited for the season of autumn!  I wish it lasted much longer than it does!  Next up in our blog circle is Terri J Photography, your pet and family photographer in the Toronto and Southeast Florida area. Click on the link at the end of each post to see some beautiful images from pet photographers around the world and their take on this week’s topic of “Seasons Change”.

We are booking autumn session for October and November!  I would love to hear from you!  

8 thoughts on “Brindle Dog in the Vineyard ~ Seasons Change”

  1. Great! One of my favorite photo session image groupings – all of them came out amazing and these few are only a snapshot of the beautiful work!

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