Do you love winter? Do you share your life with a husky or another snow loving mix or breed living in the beautiful New England state of Massachusetts? Do you love seeing the joy of your dog bouncing in the snow?
I LOVE winter! It is my favorite season. When it snows, I love it even more.
I didn’t always appreciate the winter months. My previous heart dog, Kota, taught me to enjoy the cold and snow. We did a lot of snowshoeing over the years.

The past 3 years have been duds for snow. It had been a few years since taking out the snowshoes and heading out on an adventure.
This week we had a snowstorm- woohoo! The town I am in, Georgetown, was blanketed with a whopping 15 inches of fluffy white stuff – finally! My Siberian Husky, Halo, and I have been in heaven!

Have you ever considered doing a winter photo session with your snow loving pooch?
I’d like to share with you my three reasons on why I think you should book a snow session :

1. Magical
YES, magical!
Snow covered tree branches. Is there anything more beautiful or magical? Well, if you do add a dog, it is ever MORE beautiful!
My workspace is in our sunroom of our house with window along 3 sides. I could look out the window all day after a snowfall. We have conservation land behind our house and acres of hiking trails. It’s peaceful.
I confess. I wear pajamas all day when there is snow outside. When Halo is ready to go out, and put the waterproof gear over my pj’s and we head out. We can snowshoe right behind our house.
Along with beauty of the snow covered branches are simply snowflakes. No two are alike. Each one is unique. Snowflakes can’t be seen just anywhere! Can you imagine living somewhere and never having experienced snow?
I went to college in Fayetteville, NC. I remember there was snow falling in Raleigh and several of my classmates were from the south. We hopped in the car and drove to Raleigh (just over an hour) so they could see snow for the first time. There is nothing like the sparkle in the eyes from witnessing a first snow!

2. The Energy
Does your dog bounce and leap in the snow? Does that crisp, cold air light their fire?
There is nothing like a dog’s joy and playfulness in fluffy snow.
If you have a snow loving pup, winter is the best season to capture their energy. No long summer tongues from sweltering heat!
These candid moments of pure joy result in truly authentic portraits capturing your dog’s spirit.
Check out Halo. She’s been with us for a year now. I don’t think I have seen her happier than I have seen her these past few days. She’s even getting super sassy and making things a challenge getting her to come indoors!

The expression that says it all:

3. Stunning Artwork
Snow looks amazing in frame portraits and will most likely go in any room of your house, depending on the frame style that you choose. Snow goes with ALL dogs, no matter what their coat color.
Yes, these snowy images deserve to be in your home!
Picture this:
You come home after an exhausting day at work. You’re tired and cranky. You unlock the door to your mudroom and walk in and the first thing you see is a portrait of your dog displayed above the bench. Seconds later, your pup is at your feet greeting you with sloppy wet kisses. Home is where the dog is.

Would I put a derpy action photo of my dog in a frame and hang it on the wall?
You bet I would!!!

Are you ready for a winter snow session with your dog? I am! Let’s do it!
Not sure about a location? We do a planning call via zoom prior to the session where we finalize all of these exciting details.
If you’d like to see some of my favorite locations for winter sessions, be sure to visit a past blog post: Winter Portrait Session Locations
Better yet… click below to get a date on your calendar:
Drop me a comment and let me know if your dog loves the snow, too! Hope to see you this winter!
Wow! Halo looks sooooo happy! I think you have captured Halo’s snow joy to the max. I also think Halo and Talley would get along great, as Talley never wants to come back inside when there is snow outside. And, you are right, dogs photographed in snow make beautiful framed portraits!
Thanks, Elaine! Halo is completely in her element! I think she and Talley would be great buddies 🙂
I love the snow portraits of Halo. Ma snow sessions would make a great gift.
Thank you! My little snow angel!
omg that first photo of Halo is pure bliss! Your images show just how much your dogs love the snow. Huskies are snow dogs for sure. I did have to laugh at you admitting you put your snow gear on over your pjs. That’s awesome!!
Yea!!! You finally received a descent snow fall. Looks like Halo is really having a blast playing in all that snow!
She is really showing her style in the pics & is really quite the photogenic girl.
I love how happy your snow dog, Halo, is! And, of course, I’m super jealous since we’ve only gotten a measly one inch of snow at my property this year. I can’t wait to see portraits from your future MA snow sessions!
All of that SNOW!!! Halo looks like she is having a blast being her husky self in that MA snow! (You have MN beat in snow amount for sure – crazy!)
And who doesn’t love snow dog photography sessions? The crisp white, the powder that flies up when a dog tears through it and those dainty snowflakes that decorate their faces, swoon! BTW, I LOVE the derp snow face picture and the fact that you framed it! Pure artwork!