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Project 52 Week 34: “Reflection”

Welcome to Week 34 of our 52 Week Professional Pet Photography Blog Circle.  This week we are tackling the subject of “reflection”.

There were a few different thoughts that went through my mind as how to interpret this week’s topic.  I decided to tap into my creative side and see what I could come up with in a “reflective image”.  Water, windows, and mirrors were the first things that came to mind.  I didn’t have an available pond or lake and Kota was my subject this week.  With the heat, she was better off staying close to home 🙂

First, I chose a wine glass and attempted to capture Kota’s refection in the liquid “in focus” (as much as possible for a reflection – haha!)  and give her a bit more “blur”.


Kota and Pete Reflections Blog


The next images, my husband Pete volunteered to participate.  (or maybe I “volunteered” him) My goal was to capture Kota in the reflection of his sunglasses and included 2 different crops of this image.  This was fun!  It was not as easy as I thought it would be, that’s for sure!  We had to make sure the sun was in the right spot, Kota was in the right place, Pete was facing the right direction – phew!


Pete and Kota Reflections Blog 2 1 of 1



Pete and Kota Reflections Blog

Thank you for stopping by our 52 Week Pet Photography Blog Circle!  Click on the link at the end of each post to see some amazing images from Pet Photographer’s around the world!  Next up is with Cahlean with About A Dog Photography in St. Cloud and central Minnesota.

Have a wonderful weekend!

19 thoughts on “Project 52 Week 34: “Reflection””

    1. Thanks, Lisa! My plan was to actually use my 100mm macro but that didn’t happen – actually used the 24-70mm at f/2.8 … but now I’d like to try it with the macro that you mention it!!! 🙂

  1. Wow – very creative – I need to try some of the ideas that I am seeing others did – I’m thinking that doing the one with the sunglasses took a bit of setup as you said to get such a great image!

  2. Refections are tough, nice job, you needed a better model to meet up to Kota’s standards! Great images especially the glass – so cool!

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